TestGloss® App allows Software Test Engineers worldwide to have free ISTQB® Glossary terms available at any given time. The TestGloss® App provides an International knowledge base of QA & Software Testing terms and keywords.
TestGloss® App users are encouraged to use the page at "https://www.facebook.com/TestGloss" to further interact with the designers of this app in case they run into any issues with installation or usage of this app.
TestGloss® app includes comprehensive features that provide up-to-date information to the test professionals.
Features Summary:
- ISTQB® Glossary Terms (ordered A-Z)
- Multi Language support
- On-line updates
- Smart search of Glossary Terms and Favorites
- Fast E-mailing capabilities
- Off-line operations
- Download data on demand
- Training Providers (TP) & Examination Centers (EC) on-line information
- Enhanced Filtering capability
- Browsing directly to the providers' web-sites (Full contact options)
- On-line location of the centers through web-based maps
- View Professional Events
- View: Past, Up Coming and Future events (e.g. course, training, professional etc.)
ISTQB® Certified Tester is worldwide standardized qualification for software testers. The certification is offered by the ISTQB® (International Software Testing Qualifications Board), based on a dedicated examination, covering the freely available syllabus.
ISTQB® Software Testing Certification is developed by more than 100 global software testing experts, offered in more than 70 countries and with more than 200,000 certified software testers worldwide. The ISTQB® software testing certification is the most widely recognized diploma in the software testing arena.
- All credits for the glossary belong to ISTQB®.